After multiple discussions, a “walk and talk” around the traffic islands with the city’s Deputy Director of Utilities and Chief Planning Engineer, we were able to successfully conclude our negotiations with the city. We were able to achieve $33,000 in cost savings.
The city has agreed:
- To grandfather the traffic circle meter pits “as if the meters had not been removed”, eliminating both the need for the excavation work and the additional permitting fees. All that will need to be paid is the $500.00 per meter installation charge.
- To calculate the “irrigable” area at the maximum square footage of each island. This will allow a higher “water budget” to be assigned to each island, which should allow us to keep our water usage within the lowest rate of water cost each month.
- The city is moving its planting schedule to spring planting now and can plant as late as May to help us avoid water truck charges. If for some reason we do need a water truck they have helped us identify a much less expensive contractor.
The city will provide the HOA with a new list of trees that will be available for this year. They are no longer planting evergreens, and will be focusing on smaller, more drought tolerant trees.
- The city will not insist on trees with 50‘ canopies, or those that drop significant pods or debris for our islands to help us keep our spring and fall cleanup costs stable.
- We have requested a list of tree options for us to consider and will consult with the homeowners on Noble Court and Tesla Court circles when we receive it.