NPHOA Directions for Realtors, Settlement Companies and Financial Institutions
Noble Park is a covenant-controlled neighborhood of 95 lots on Franklin Drive, Wright Circle, Wright Avenue, Noble Court, Tesla Court, and Tesla Circle.
The Colorado statutes require the HOA to provide multiple documents and answer prescribed questions for the sales contract to be completed. Electronic copies of the Noble Park Covenants, Bylaws and policies can be found in the Documents and Policies pages of this website. For all other information, please contact the HOA per the Contact Us page. There is a $100.00 fee for providing this documentation, to be paid to the NPHOA at settlement.
Persons purchasing a home in the Noble Park sub-division are required to receive a copy of the NPHOA Covenants and Bylaws at closing. It is the Realtors responsibility to ensure that the new homeowner receives a hard copy of these documents. We hope that you will encourage prospective new owners to review these documents. We are an active HOA and it is important that they understand their responsibilities for Covenant requirements.
Please submit the HOA Status Request form directly to the NPHOA for completion. See the Contact Us page. There is a $25.00 fee for providing this documentation, to be paid to the NPHOA at settlement.
Please submit any request for confirmation of a homeowner’s assessment payments to the NPHOA contact information given above.